Dierdre Miles Burger began training with Margaret Prishwalko Fallon and attended the Boston Ballet School, joining Boston Ballet as an apprentice at age fourteen. After retiring from performing, Ms. Miles Burger joined the Boston Ballet Artistic Staff, also teaching at the Boston Conservatory, and in 2002 was appointed Principal of Boston Ballet School. Certified in the dance notation method Labanotation, Miles Burger is an ABT Certified Teacher, in Primary through Level 7 of the ABT National Training Curriculum and is on the Board of Examiners for the curriculum. Ms. Miles Burger was invited as a guest ballet mistress to the Orlando Ballet School, and in 2010 was named Director. Under her leadership, the school developed Adaptive Dance for students with Down Syndrome and the Orlando Ballet School Academy which trains young dancers for professional careers. Since 2018 Dierdre Miles Burger has joined the Sarasota Ballet as their Assistant Education Director.