Edo Wijnen

Edo Wijnen


Dutch national ballet(NETHERLANDS)


Royal Ballet School(BELGIUM)






Prix de Lausanne fourth place and Prix d'interpretation de danse 2009, Dance Europe Outstanding Artistry Award 2010, Youth America Grand Prix Finals first place 2010, Swan Nomination for Most Impressive Dance Performance 2017, Critic's Choice 2017

Edo Wijnen was born in Deurne in Belgium. He studied at the Royal Ballet School in Antwerp. Edo has won several major awards, including de Youth America Grand Prix, first prize at Dance Europe and the Prix de Lausanne. He started dancing with Dutch National Ballet in 2010 as Aspirant and in 2015 he was promoted to Soloist. In 2017 he was honored by Critic's Choice for his performance in Citizen Nowhere, a ballet by Associate Artist David Dawson from the programme Made in Amsterdam. For his role in this ballet, Edo Wijnen also received a Swan nomination for most impressive dance performance in 2017.