Roland Vogel trained at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart and was awarded the State Diploma of classical dancer in 1986. Mr Vogel joined the Stuttgart Ballet under the direction of Marcia Haydee, where he remained until the end of his career. Appointed soloist in 1994, he was promoted to first soloist with the new director Reid Anderson in 1997. Mr Vogel was invited to perform at the 1998 opening of the Olympic Games in Nagano. Between 1999 and 2001, he studied and obtained a degree in dance teaching at the John Cranko School in Stuttgart, within the Württemberg Staatstheater. In 2009, Marika Besobrasova, Director of the Princess Grace Academy of Dance in Monaco, asked him to join her teaching staff and Luca Masala, Director of the Princess Grace Academy, asked him to continue working in his team. He taught as guest teacher for Europa Dance or the École Supérieure de Danse de Cannes Rosella Hightower, and in many international schools and companies.