GRAND PRIX Olivia Bevilacqua 15 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
1ST PLACE Zoe Honsinger 16 Edge School
2ND PLACE (TIE) Ashley Coupal 15 Goh Ballet Academy
2ND PLACE (TIE) Madison Yeung 15 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program
3RD PLACE (TIE) Maggie Weatherdon 16 Neglia Ballet
3RD PLACE (TIE) Chester Gould 16 Goh Ballet Academy
TOP 12
Ashley Coupal 15 Goh Ballet Academy
Charis Leung 17 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre
Chester Gould 16 Goh Ballet Academy
Jacqueline Sugianto 15 Poise Dance Academy
Madison Yeung 15 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program
Maggie Weatherdon 16 Neglia Ballet
Olivia Bevilacqua 15 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Olivia Book 15 Niagara Ballet School
Takeru Hatsushika 18 Goh Ballet Academy
Teagan Hadcock 15 Stepanova Ballet Academy
Vivian Li 17 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Zoe Honsinger 16 Edge School
TOP 24
Ashley Coupal 15 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Ashley Lu 18 Planko Classical Ballet Academy, MI
Avery Grant 15 Edge School, AB
Celeste Laporte 16 Rajka Kupesic School of Classical Ballet, ON
Charis Leung 17 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre, ON
Chester Gould 16 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Cooper Blankenburg 16 The Rochester School of Dance, MI
Elizabeth Farris 17 Classical Ballet of WNY, NY
Hannah Boyer 17 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Irene Ta 17 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Isabelle Jutras 19 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Jacqueline Sugianto 15 Poise Dance Academy, ON
Lulu Chang 17 Berrend Dance Centre, MD
Mabel Lundie 16 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Madison Yeung 15 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program, NY
Maggie Weatherdon 16 Neglia Ballet, NY
Olivia Bevilacqua 15 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Olivia Book 15 Niagara Ballet School, ON
Portia Chuah 16 Independent, Portia Chuah, ON
Takeru Hatsushika 18 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Tali Elman 18 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Teagan Hadcock 15 Stepanova Ballet Academy, ON
Vivian Li 17 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Zoe Honsinger 16 Edge School, AB
1ST PLACE Cindy Mateus 18 Academie du ballet Metropolitain, QC
2ND PLACE Clea Calvin 18 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
3RD PLACE Racquel Sherlock 16 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre, ON
Ashley Coupal 15 Goh Ballet Academy
Cindy Mateus 18 Academie du ballet Metropolitain
Clea Calvin 18 The School of Cadence Ballet
Emma Leach 15 Durham School of Ballet and Contemporary
Jacqueline Sugianto 15 Poise Dance Academy
Lexi Erbentraut 15 David Matthew Studios
Olivia Bevilacqua 15 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Olivia Book 15 Niagara Ballet School
Racquel Sherlock 16 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre
Selena Eliana Lombardi 17 Durham School of Ballet and Contemporary
Tali Elman 18 Goh Ballet Academy
Tyler Schellenberg 17 Edge School
YOUTH GRAND PRIX Abra Geiger 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
1ST PLACE Tiffany Efimov 13 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre, ON
2ND PLACE Sophia Zonni 14 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program, NY
3RD PLACE (TIE) Emma Tomlinson 12 Deas Island Dance
3RD PLACE (TIE) Simon Plante 13 Berrend Dance Centre, MD
Abra Geiger 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Anna Joy 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Anne-Sophie Marjeram 14 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Clara Kearl 14 Edge School, AB
Clara Thiele 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Emma Tomlinson 12 Deas Island Dance, BC
Hilit Heitman 13 H/W School of Ballet, AB
Molly Wiebe 14 Oakville School of Classical Ballet
Simon Plante 13 Berrend Dance Centre, MD
Sophia Zonni 14 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program, NY
Tiffany Efimov 13 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre, ON
Zoe Shemet 12 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Abra Geiger 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Ana Wu 13 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Anna Joy 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Anne-Sophie Marjeram 14 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Ashley Feng 12 Dancing Soma, ON
Bailey Broccardo 14 Planko Classical Ballet Academy, MI
Camille Gentes 14 Classical Ballet of WNY, NY
Clara Kearl 14 Edge School, AB
Clara Thiele 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Ella Ceroni 14 Oakville School of Classical Ballet, ON
Emma Tomlinson 12 Deas Island Dance, BC
Hilit Heitman 13 H/W School of Ballet, AB
Lola Mackiewicz 12 Planko Classical Ballet Academy
Jocelyn Wynn 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Julianna Hanch 14 Simply Ballet, BC
Katia Marjeram 14 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Lara Yaman 13 Independent, Lara Yaman, TURKEY
Molly Wiebe 14 Oakville School of Classical Ballet, ON
Morgan Throumoulos 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Simon Plante 13 Berrend Dance Centre, MD
SoEun Park 14 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Sophia Zonni 14 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program, NY
Tiffany Efimov 13 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre, ON
Zoe Shemet 12 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
1ST PLACE Clara Thiele 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
2ND PLACE Anne-Sophie Marjeram 14 The School of Cadence Ballet
3RD PLACE (TIE) Samantha Eve 13 Simply Ballet
3RD PLACE (TIE) Tiffany Efimov 13 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre
Abra Geiger 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Anna Joy 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Anne-Sophie Marjeram 14 The School of Cadence Ballet
Clara Thiele 14 Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education
Emma Tomlinson 12 Deas Island Dance
Gracie Smith 14 IDA International Dance Academy
Isabel Tornqvist 14 Edge School
Samantha Eve 13 Simply Ballet
Sofia Benning 13 JCB Danceworks
Sophia Zonni 14 Ellison Ballet – Professional Training Program
Tiffany Efimov 13 Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre
Victoriana Belperio 12 Danzarts Toronto
1ST PLACE Rhys Howes 10 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
2ND PLACE Jenna Park 10 Simply Ballet, BC
3RD PLACE Chava Dewey 10 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Audrey Sokorai 10 David Matthew Studios, MI
Ava Lim 11 Dancing Soma, ON
Ceilidh MacDonald 9 H/W School of Ballet, AB
Chava Dewey 10 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Harper Kennedy 11 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Ian Gentes 11 Classical Ballet of WNY, NY
Jenna Park 10 Simply Ballet, BC
Jessika Mak 11 Dancing Soma, ON
Olivia Raymond 11 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Rhys Howes 10 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Tamara Ratkovic 11 Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Vanessa Hood 11 Dancemakerz, ON
1ST PLACE Chloe Coppola 11 The Dance Zone, ON
2ND PLACE Yubin Hong 9 Simply Ballet, BC
3RD PLACE Macaela Eve 10 Simply Ballet, BC
Ava Lim 11 Dancing Soma, ON
Bethany Wong 10 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Chava Dewey 10 The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Chloe Coppola 11 The Dance Zone, ON
Harper Kennedy 11 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Jessika Mak 11 Dancing Soma, ON
Macaela Eve 10 Simply Ballet, BC
Maggie Gimple 11 Dancemakerz, ON
Maya Shanaa 10 Dance Essence, ON
Olivia Raymond 11 Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Vanessa Hood 11 Dancemakerz, ON
Yubin Hong 9 Simply Ballet, BC
1ST PLACE For all ensembles Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
2ND PLACE For all ensembles The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
3RD PLACE For all ensembles Edge School, AL
TOP 12
Eclipse Niagara Ballet School, ON
Toy Soldier And The Music Box Planko Classical Ballet Academy, MI
Far And Away David Matthew Studios, MI
Swanhilda’s Friends Simply Ballet, BC
Looking Back, Going Forwards Simply Ballet, BC
Garden Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
She Persisted Edge School, AL
Undone Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Visible Edge School, AL
The Flames Of Paris Pas De Deux Goh Ballet Academy, BC
Gopak Valentina’s School of Ballet, MI
Capita-Lis-Monster The School of Cadence Ballet, ON
Tyler Angell The School of Cadence Ballet
Madeleine Twyman Durham School of Ballet and Contemporary, ON
Nadia Veselova Tencer Academy of Ballet and Jazz, School of Canadian Ballet Theatre
Caitlin Lockwood Edge School
Cyndi Scott Edge School
Timothy M Draper Center for Dance Education, NY
Goh Ballet Academy, BC